We have tiny resumes but big appetites. “We,” of course, is really just me for now, but I like sounding like royalty, and I’m hoping to add regular contributors in the future.


Alden is from Alaska, where the regional cuisine is moose, caribou, salmon, and the occasional Greek/Italian/Mexican restaurant. At a tender young age, his mother taught him the ways of pastry – sticky buns, baklava, pâte à choux – and his father taught him the ways of adventurous eating – bear, squirrel, tongue, chilies, and all manner of improvised homemade recipes. He now lives in Brooklyn and is an actor, comedian and photographer the same way a cheap infomercial appliance is a dehydrator, cannoli maker and saute pan.

Favorite Cuisine: Indian

Wine of choice: Syrah

Liquor of choice: Bourbon

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